Whether you are a democrat, republican or independent we all can agree that credit is tight for small business lending. As explained in Senator Kerry’s letter to Treasury Secretary Paulson, liquidity could be opened back up with the use of TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds. Senator Kerry explains that SBA lenders make loans, and then sells those loans into the secondary market. This helps banks to get their cash back and re-lend those funds to new clients. Unfortunately, SBA loans aren’t selling, which means that bank capital isn’t’ being replenished.

It’s disappointing that Senator Kerry isn’t specific about his ask. He fails to quantify for Mr. Paulson how much TARP money is needed to bail out the SBA; Additionally he doesn’t say much about the safety and return on those investments (which is a great selling point).

I do like Senator Kerry’s sense of urgency. He also correctly identifies the source of our Small Business liquidity crunch: the Secondary Market. The liquidity crisis is not about overly-conservative banks being stodgy. It’s about SBA lenders having enough cash to lend out.

Please take a read of the attached article and feel free to post with your comments or questions. And don’t worry, USFC is still lending money and open for business!

Tarp Funds for SBA